PaCE Tea Time Chats

The PaCE committee invites all patients, providers and researchers to join them for its free online chats to explore topics related to patient-engaged research. In past Tea Times, they've discussed what PaCE does and what it can do for members; introduced a patient-clinician team and talked about two tools they created for primary care research; and discussed an initiative called P4PC – Patients for Primary Care. 

Tea Time with Anna Templeton & Susan Lowe
Patient Engagement in Large, Data-focused Networks

Tuesday, September 10th | 12:00-1:00pm CT

Join us for a discussion about how we’re approaching patient engagement in big, data-driven networks. We’ll talk about what we’ve learned along the way and how we are working to strengthen engagement in our networks and research projects.

Register here!

Save The Date!
Upcoming Tea Time Chats:

  • November 12th - 1:00-2:00pm CT

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11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Leawood, KS 66211